• A
    Albina muro 9 months ago

    As a Digital Marketing teacher, my job is not only to teach, but also to learn more every day. As a practice of my professional growth, I always try to acquire new knowledge that helps me improve and that I can share with my students cheap real comments for facebook.

    However, it is from them that I learn the most. Therefore, today I share with you tips from my students, techniques that you can also do, simple tips that can also help you be successful on your Facebook page.


    1. The cover or cover photo . It is very important to have a good cover or welcome design for your page since it is the first window that the client will see on Facebook, and at the same time, it is the first impression they will have of you. So, make a good first impression by investing in good design.

    2. Highlight in the first publication what you sell. On Facebook you can highlight a post and place it at the top. It is very important that this publication tells you step by step of what you do and do not miss the opportunity to show your human side. This gives security to the client.

    3. Have a monthly campaign to get new fans. Carry out a monthly campaign to attract new fans to your page, so you will have the opportunity for new people to know you and buy your products.

    4. Include the WhatsApp link to Facebook posts. This will help you have a greater expansion of your content and achieve a little more direct contact with your clients, or potential clients. If you want to learn how to insert it.

    5. Give something in return. Give your customers something related to their purchase. For example, a free delivery if they share your post. This is a sales hook that works.

    6. Use emojis and long texts in posts. Now people like to know more about what they buy, and this is a good opportunity to expand and be able to explain in detail what you sell or the service you offer.

  • D
    David Menk 3 months ago

    Sure! Here's a quick tip: Utilize a reliable VPS server for seamless Facebook marketing. With a stable VPS server, you can ensure consistent performance and reliability, which are crucial for successful Facebook strategies.

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