About Us

The process of developing a dependable, versatile, and competent workforce is a crucial pillar to guarantee a firm’s resilience. In the past, organizations would anticipate the next move by the competition, but the current globalized world is full of surprises. Many companies have engaged the blue-ocean strategy gear, continually developing innovations to disrupt the playing space.

A&J Global corporate training portal offers top-notch training to equip an organization with robust leadership at all levels of the organization; a team needed to drive an innovative enterprise that upholds best practice in:

  • Leadership & governance
  • Internal Audit and Risk Management
  • Customer care and marketing

Structure of the Portal

Each category of training is configured to offer the following:

  • A self-assessment test meant to gauge yourself on the level of competence in a given area. The score helps you to appreciate the depth of input you need to pursue to be in top shape.  Be as honest as possible when answering this section (nobody sees your content and score hence the need for honesty).
  • Training section – The section offers well-researched material to guide you on best practice in the area of focus.
  • A test that is automatically scored by the system and a certificate of participation issued.

NB: The certificate of participation is not a professional certification.

Training for CIA global Certification

The Certified internal audit (CIA) program is internationally recognized and examined by the institute of internal auditors (IIA) global. We offer online training material to augment other study material that A&J global would facilitate through the institute of internal auditors Kenya Chapter. We wish you well as you journey through your career with us.